Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Christmas comes too quickly...
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
More answers...
I've gotten a few more answers...
Sally's favorite was Jane's butterfly but since her sister Jane already chose that she went for her bauble at: http://tatsheaven-churchlog.blogspot.com/2009/12/christmas-baubles.htmlchurchlog.blogspot.com/2009/12/christmas-baubles.html . To find the pattern look in the right column, they're so fun. Its so nice to see sisters getting along and sharing, the same situation with my sister would result in a death match! (just kidding)
Isdihara's favorite pattern at the moment is Wendy Durell's 4 ring snowflake. The pattern can be found at http://www.durell.me.uk/Tatting/4%20Ring%20Snowflake%20diagram.pdf
Connie's contribution was "Erin H. tatted last year in church and is one of today's online tatting class patterns that she so kindly donated and named Connie's Snowflake. (I liked it even before she named the snowflake) You can find this snowflake at: http://www.georgiaseitz.com/2009/erinsnowflakepattern.html"
Gina thought about it for awhile then came up with her answer:
"Okay.....one year I was in a Christmas RR tatted ornament. I used it as an excuse to tat the motifs from Pam Palmer's Tatting Treats. I think that collection is my most favorite of all. The rocking horse, the teapot where you can put your own motif in the center(I used a holly sprig), the Christmas tree, the caroling mouse, a bell....and fairly easy. I also LOVE the chain tree from Sue Fuller's Potpourri of Tatting. So easy, so fast and so pretty. I've also done a wonderful tree by Julie, an Australian tatter who doesn't show up much these days. Can't say I have a favorite snowflake. Have never tatted a snowman. Not that keen on tatting wreaths. " You know you see these books but you just don't know if you should buy it. I'm going pick up Pam and Sue's books the next time I've got the chance.
Trayna said...
My favourite Christmas tatting pattern (thou I haven't done it this Xmas & can't do it now ;( ) is Jon's Rings Only Snowflake with beads http://tatsaway-patterns.blogspot.com/2008/08/rings-only-snowflake-with-beads.htmlI love the way it looks and how it flows as you are making it.See Jon's photo on my bloghttp://trayna.blogspot.com/2009/12/secret-santa-update-vics-bribe.html
So here's my additional bribe, forgive the picture quality. The last bit of incentive is a doily similar to the one in the picture. The colors are yet to be determined but its about 12 inches in diameter. If you are wondering what I'm talking about check out my previous post at http://victats.blogspot.com/2009/12/favorite-christmas-patterns-and-bribe.html)

Gina thought about it for awhile then came up with her answer:
"Okay.....one year I was in a Christmas RR tatted ornament. I used it as an excuse to tat the motifs from Pam Palmer's Tatting Treats. I think that collection is my most favorite of all. The rocking horse, the teapot where you can put your own motif in the center(I used a holly sprig), the Christmas tree, the caroling mouse, a bell....and fairly easy. I also LOVE the chain tree from Sue Fuller's Potpourri of Tatting. So easy, so fast and so pretty. I've also done a wonderful tree by Julie, an Australian tatter who doesn't show up much these days. Can't say I have a favorite snowflake. Have never tatted a snowman. Not that keen on tatting wreaths. " You know you see these books but you just don't know if you should buy it. I'm going pick up Pam and Sue's books the next time I've got the chance.

My favourite Christmas tatting pattern (thou I haven't done it this Xmas & can't do it now ;( ) is Jon's Rings Only Snowflake with beads http://tatsaway-patterns.blogspot.com/2008/08/rings-only-snowflake-with-beads.htmlI love the way it looks and how it flows as you are making it.See Jon's photo on my bloghttp://trayna.blogspot.com/2009/12/secret-santa-update-vics-bribe.html
Monday, December 14, 2009
A few great answers...
I have been asking everyone's favorite Christmas/seasonal patterns and offered a bribe in my last post as an incentive. (check out the post http://victats.blogspot.com/2009/12/favorite-christmas-patterns-and-bribe.html) A few of you have thought my question and shared:
Tatskool: "My favourite at the moment is Third day of December by Lene Bjorn in 24 Snowflakes in Tatting. I have blogged about it here: http://tatsakoolchallenge.blogspot.com/2009/12/third-day-of-december.html." I'm really happy to see someone else do this pattern because now I know that the rose in the middle is supposed to be 3-d. When I made it a few years ago I thought I was making a mistake.
Jane's Current favorite is her butterfly on her site: http://www.janeeborall.freeservers.com/butterfly2009.pdf. I'm kinda partial to her snowsettia
pattern at: http://www.janeeborall.freeservers.com/Motif2009.pdf. I have to warn you if you stop at her pattern site make sure you have plenty of ink in your printer. There's so many great patterns!
Thanks so much to Kook Vee, Jane, Tatskool and HJ for writing down their faves. To the rest of you out there, I can see that I may have to offer a little more incentive...I'm working on it!
note: none of the pictures in this post are mine; they come from the sites noted beside them.

HJ's favorite was Susan B. Taliaferro's Christmas Chain Wreath with beads, found at http://www.susansplanet.bravehost.com/ChristmasChainWreath.htm. I couldn't get the picture to copy over but you can check it out yourself.
Kook Vee: "My ultimate favourite Xmas pattern to tat up would have to be the Holly Garland by Pam Palmer which can be found on page 18 of Tatting Treats 3! It's fast to do up for last minute gifts and just so darned cute. I've made it into cards, brooches and even earrings. I love it =)."

Thanks so much to Kook Vee, Jane, Tatskool and HJ for writing down their faves. To the rest of you out there, I can see that I may have to offer a little more incentive...I'm working on it!
note: none of the pictures in this post are mine; they come from the sites noted beside them.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Christmas Patterns and The Bribe
Seeing all the different projects that people are making has given me an idea. There's just too many patterns and books out there to see what's available for Christmas. So I'm going to cheat and ask everyone to share their favorite Christmas tatting pattern. I'd like you to write in the comment section your favorite pattern, the creator and where it's found i.e. book, website, CD...
This seems like work and I hate work so I'm giving you an incentive. If you share your fave then I will enter you in a draw. If you write about this quest and share a picture of your fave pattern on your blog I'll enter you a second time (please let me know in the comment section). If your favorite thing isn't tatting (I don't know how that could happen), you may need a Shrink but you can still enter your favorite non-tatting Christmas pattern and the same rules apply.
My copy of Tatting for the Tree by Karey Solomon which is currently my fave Christmas book. You can see a few samples
of her patterns in previous posts. A tatted lavender sachet and a pair of pointsettia earings tatted by me. As well as a few other goodies that I'll throw in for fun.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
How did she know?
Have you ever received a gift and wondered how did they know you would like it?
My sister finally gave me my Birthday gift when I was at her house on the weekend. It was a coat but now just any coat! Its one of those old black coats with the fur collars and I think the material is called Persian wool. I don't think these coats have been sold for a long time but its in such good condition that I almost thought it was new. Anyways, I don't think I've ever told her I love those coats. She won't tell me who it came from but assured me that they were clean (seniors can't always see the dirt due to eye stuff). It just amazes me that she picked that coat out for me. I'm very happy.
My sister finally gave me my Birthday gift when I was at her house on the weekend. It was a coat but now just any coat! Its one of those old black coats with the fur collars and I think the material is called Persian wool. I don't think these coats have been sold for a long time but its in such good condition that I almost thought it was new. Anyways, I don't think I've ever told her I love those coats. She won't tell me who it came from but assured me that they were clean (seniors can't always see the dirt due to eye stuff). It just amazes me that she picked that coat out for me. I'm very happy.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
The Talk
So I've been giving this talk all week to patients as they come into my clinic with their shoulders up around their ears and hunched over like Mr. Burns. Its getting closer and closer to Christmas and many (including me) are frantically trying to finish gifts. Please don't end up like that. Here are the 2 essential things you need to have to minimize the damage:
lighting, lighting, lighting- if you are finding the you are squinting to see your work, bent over nose to the table, or you are holding your work up right in front of your nose then you don't have enough light. Its best to use natural light but most of us don't have that so OTT lights rock! (no affiliation)
Egg timer- not just for perfect soft boiled eggs anymore. Set the timer for 30 minutes. When it goes off the 1st time you need to look up from your work, roll your shoulders, stand up and basically squirm around a bit in your chair. Reset the timer to another 30 min.
The second time the timer goes off you know its been an hour so you have to take a break- 5 minutes minimum. I know, I know you are in the middle of something and you'll finish it any second but get up anyways. "Finishing in a second" can turn into hours. You need to get up and move around to get blood flow (which will make the cloudiness go away) and to give your muscles are rest. Its easy to let a lot of time to go by without a break.
Doing these 2 things are a big start in avoiding that cramped, pressed down feeling you get when you work for hours. A few moments of prevention go along way. On the other hand Chiropractors, Massage therapists and Physiotherapist all need to make money for Christmas so maybe just ignore me- you'll be done in a second anyways. (just kidding)
lighting, lighting, lighting- if you are finding the you are squinting to see your work, bent over nose to the table, or you are holding your work up right in front of your nose then you don't have enough light. Its best to use natural light but most of us don't have that so OTT lights rock! (no affiliation)
Egg timer- not just for perfect soft boiled eggs anymore. Set the timer for 30 minutes. When it goes off the 1st time you need to look up from your work, roll your shoulders, stand up and basically squirm around a bit in your chair. Reset the timer to another 30 min.
The second time the timer goes off you know its been an hour so you have to take a break- 5 minutes minimum. I know, I know you are in the middle of something and you'll finish it any second but get up anyways. "Finishing in a second" can turn into hours. You need to get up and move around to get blood flow (which will make the cloudiness go away) and to give your muscles are rest. Its easy to let a lot of time to go by without a break.
Doing these 2 things are a big start in avoiding that cramped, pressed down feeling you get when you work for hours. A few moments of prevention go along way. On the other hand Chiropractors, Massage therapists and Physiotherapist all need to make money for Christmas so maybe just ignore me- you'll be done in a second anyways. (just kidding)
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
There's only so many places it can go
Don't you hate it when you clean up, tidy or declutter? I do. What's wrong with a little organization is what many of you maybe thinking but it tell you its evil, evil, evil!
For the last 2 weeks I've been trying to locate some beads I purchased. I know I bought them because there is half a necklace on my tray. I have no idea where those beads went. They couldn't have gone far- I work in the same area and store my stuff in the same spot. How can I so totally lose something in such a small area? Mmmm let me think...that's about the time I thought my mom and sister were coming for a visit. What did I do that day? Oh yes, ran around trying to pretend I'm not a slob by cleaning frantically.
To be honest, this is not the first time I've lost something by cleaning. The last time I organized/cleaned I lost my cell phone in one of the tubs of thread. It was only by fluke that I found it the next day because I SWEAR I LOOKED IN THAT TUB! I'm not that good at organizing my stash. I probably should just let it go and the beads will show up...but the necklace is taunting me. Bad necklace, I think it has some evil Mojo- I'll have to give it to someone I don't like.
On a happier note, I'm once again wowed by the effect packaging/presentation has on a product. I know that's not terribly eco-friendly but its true. I made some bookmarks, stuck them in a resealable bag and voila! Instant value upgrade. A friend is giving them to her son's teachers at the snotty private school he attends for Christmas.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Been sick...
For the last week I've had THE FLU. I've basically slept 5 out of the last 7 days. Its amazing how much getting the flu can take out of you. In between sleeping I did tat a bit (the first 2 days I was too sick to do anything but lay there). I'm making snowflake bookmarks for a friend. She's giving the bookmarks with a Chapters gift certificate to her son's teachers for Christmas. I have no pictures yet.
As I have been feeling better I've started decorating my house for Christmas. After Halloween I bought a black mina
ture Christmas tree on sale which I've put in my kitchen. I was trying to figure out how to decorate it when I realised that I had a bunch of small motifs from Karey's book Tatting for the tree. The ones on the upper right were the perfect size for the tree. I used the snowflake on the left as the tree topper. Looking through my
pictures just now I saw this white 1/2 ring braid. I think it will be really nice as a garland on the tree. I just need to find it.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Bandaid heart

I came up with this pattern with the intention of giving it to someone who had a car accident but they got better before I had the chance. (do good intentions count?) However, I thought it would be an easy get well soon gift for anyone who is sick or spending lots of time in hospitals. If you spend time in waiting rooms then you can always use a bookmark. This is my first time writing out a block tatting pattern, fortunately its a square but if there's any problem let me know.
Band-Aid Heart
By Vicki Clarke

vsp- very small picot
lj- lock join
slt- shoe lace trick
shuttle and ball thread wound CTM
Pattern starts with a block tatted square. Use a dead end start with a paperclip or safety pin to save a space for a vsp. You don’t have to use the same turning technique on the block tatting.
Ch1 8 slt turn
Ch2 vsp 8 lj (vsp created by paperclip) slt turn
Ch3 vsp 8 lj (to picot of prev ch) slt turn
Ch4 vsp 8 lj (to picot of prev ch) slt turn
Ch5 vsp 8 lj (to picot of prev ch) slt turn
Ch6 vsp 8 lj (to picot of prev ch) do not turn, now you start making the ends of the band aid.
Ch7 10 RW
R1 6 vsp 6 RW
Ch8 10 RW
R2 6 vsp 6 RW
Ch9 10 lj (to vsp on R2) 10 lj (to vsp on R1) 10 lj (to corner of block tatting) 10 lj (to other corner of block) 10 RW
R3 6 vsp 6 RW
Ch10 10 RW
R4 6 vsp 6 RW
Ch11 10 lj (to vsp on R4) 10 lj (to vsp on R3) 10 lj (to corner of block tatting) 10 lj (to other corner of block) tie and cut.
Heart- uses ½ stitch to make a dimpled heart.
HS- half stitch
R 6 3 1st HS 3 2nd HS 6 close ring and cut leaving a 6 inch tail. You can either glue to heart onto the bandage but I sewed it on by going under the stitches.
Instead of the heart:
You could stick one of Abby's smile makers on the center instead of the heart to give to children. Then it looks more like a child's bandaid. You can get the pattern for the smile makers at this link: http://www.freewebs.com/needletattingtwo_2/smilemakers2.htm. I love the smile makers, they were such a smart idea, thanks for sharing them Abby
Thursday, October 29, 2009

The scanner doesn't do it justice. In fact, it looks kinda crappy in the picture. Have you noticed that its hard to get good pictures of tatting? Even when I use a proper camera I'm rarely happy with the picture.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
In my minutes of lurking I found the link for TotusMel's mask pattern and decided to try it out. I had the right sized thread, beads and wire handy. I have to say that I really enjoyed making the mask...it took awhile but I could make it much faster the next time. 
I was tempted when I started to just fudge it but in hindsight I would never have got to this point. What you don't realise when looking at the pictures is that the mask has its own curves which conform to your face. In fact it kinda sticks there on its own, the ties just gives it extra security. If you set the mask on a table it holds it's structure and doesn't go flat.
Just a warning though, the pattern is very brief (for tatting patterns) and relies heavily on the pictures for the joins. Print of all the pictures!!! I didn't and had to squint at the small pictures to try and figure out where to make my joins. This is what took lots and lots of time. Its been awhile since I've retro tatted so much. Its a great pattern, I'm tickled pink with the mask and would definitely make more of TotusMel's patterns.

I was tempted when I started to just fudge it but in hindsight I would never have got to this point. What you don't realise when looking at the pictures is that the mask has its own curves which conform to your face. In fact it kinda sticks there on its own, the ties just gives it extra security. If you set the mask on a table it holds it's structure and doesn't go flat.
Just a warning though, the pattern is very brief (for tatting patterns) and relies heavily on the pictures for the joins. Print of all the pictures!!! I didn't and had to squint at the small pictures to try and figure out where to make my joins. This is what took lots and lots of time. Its been awhile since I've retro tatted so much. Its a great pattern, I'm tickled pink with the mask and would definitely make more of TotusMel's patterns.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Simple Heart
I made this heart a few years ago to send in an exchange. Its very quick and easy to make.
Simple Heart Pattern
By Vicki Clarke.jpg)
RW= reverse work
C= chain
R= ring
- = picot
+ = join
R1 6-4-4-6
R2 6+ 4-4-4-6
R3 6+ 4-4-6 RW
C 10 RW
R4 3+ 3 RW
C 10 RW
R5 3+3 RW
C 10 RW
R6 3+3 RW
C 10 RW
R7 3+3 DO NOT RW
C 4 jn (to 2nd picot of R2) 4 RW
R8 3-3-3-3 RW
C 4 jn (to 3rd picot of R2) 4 DO NOT RW
R9 3+3 RW
C 10 RW
R10 3+3 RW
C 10 RW
R11 3+3 RW
C 10 RW
R12 3+3 RW
C 10, tie and cut OR to make the tail:
3 split rings of 10/10 and finish with a tassel.
Simple Heart Pattern
By Vicki Clarke
RW= reverse work
C= chain
R= ring
- = picot
+ = join
R1 6-4-4-6
R2 6+ 4-4-4-6
R3 6+ 4-4-6 RW
C 10 RW
R4 3+ 3 RW
C 10 RW
R5 3+3 RW
C 10 RW
R6 3+3 RW
C 10 RW
R7 3+3 DO NOT RW
C 4 jn (to 2nd picot of R2) 4 RW
R8 3-3-3-3 RW
C 4 jn (to 3rd picot of R2) 4 DO NOT RW
R9 3+3 RW
C 10 RW
R10 3+3 RW
C 10 RW
R11 3+3 RW
C 10 RW
R12 3+3 RW
C 10, tie and cut OR to make the tail:
3 split rings of 10/10 and finish with a tassel.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

On another note, I'm planning for a flu prevention night for my Sparks (girl guides 5 and 6 years old). So I've been looking up all the Public Health and CDC information about flu prevention and the basic message is don't touch your face and wash your hands a lot. This has me wondering- are crafters/needle workers at a higher risk since we tend to touch everything? How often do you stick a crochet hook, needle or pins in your mouth? Do you use your mouth as a 3rd hand? Just a thought.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
The other day I posted a picture of a doily and Tattingchic asked for more information on the doily. Well, here's the scoop:
I made that doily using a five point motif that I joined together around a center motif. To fill the gap between the motifs I used hearts. Everything turned out just hunky-dory (see exhibit A).
I really like the doily so the same doily again using a Sherry's silk thread but no changes to the motif. The problem is that the space between the points of the stars was bigger the 2nd time and the hearts just didn't cut it. So I used another star to fill the gaps (see exhibit B). I swear to you that its the same pattern, same picot size and my tension is pretty consistent across the board. I just can't figure out why the chubby cheek hearts (that's what I call the hearts) weren't big enough. Any ideas?
I made that doily using a five point motif that I joined together around a center motif. To fill the gap between the motifs I used hearts. Everything turned out just hunky-dory (see exhibit A).

I really like the motif so I've made a few with extra rounds. I've talked about these in previous posts. I'm calling the motif a star but it's really a pentagram. Did you notice that every other round the pentagram is inverted. Is that a big deal or have I watched too many episodes of Supernatural?
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Tea Time Terror
The reign of Tuesday Tea Time Terror continues at Ambitatterous in her Knot-Tea Paroday giveaway contest. Take time to check it out at http://ambitatterous.blogspot.com/2009/10/little-knot-tea.html
In order to win a beautiful quilted ball ornament you have to change a few lines in a quote about tea. Since I love giveaways I decided to yahoo tea quotes and found a few I liked:
"Tea tempers the spirit and harmonizes the mind, dispels lassitude and relieves fatigue; awakens thought and prevents drowsiness." (Lu Yu, 5th Century Chinese Poet)
"If you are cold, tea will warm you. If you are heated, it will cool you. If you are depressed, it will cheer you. If you are excited, it will calm you." (William E Gladstone)
These quotes seemed perfect for a tatting time massacre but then it occurred to me that a good Canadian girl could come up with something a little closer to home:
No Tatting Tonight / New Lacy Nature
The Guess Tat
Lonely pattern deep inside
Find a couch where I can hide
Silent shuttles crowdin' me
Sudden chains, but I have tea
No tatting tonight in my coffee
No tatting tonight in my tea
No tatting to stand beside me
No tatting to run with me
tat-un-do-tat tat da-un-do-tat
tat-un-do-tat tat no no
tat-un-do-tat tat da-un-do-tat
tat-un-do-tat tat
Poor Randy, what have we done to your song?
In order to win a beautiful quilted ball ornament you have to change a few lines in a quote about tea. Since I love giveaways I decided to yahoo tea quotes and found a few I liked:
"Tea tempers the spirit and harmonizes the mind, dispels lassitude and relieves fatigue; awakens thought and prevents drowsiness." (Lu Yu, 5th Century Chinese Poet)
"If you are cold, tea will warm you. If you are heated, it will cool you. If you are depressed, it will cheer you. If you are excited, it will calm you." (William E Gladstone)
These quotes seemed perfect for a tatting time massacre but then it occurred to me that a good Canadian girl could come up with something a little closer to home:
No Tatting Tonight / New Lacy Nature
The Guess Tat
Lonely pattern deep inside
Find a couch where I can hide
Silent shuttles crowdin' me
Sudden chains, but I have tea
No tatting tonight in my coffee
No tatting tonight in my tea
No tatting to stand beside me
No tatting to run with me
tat-un-do-tat tat da-un-do-tat
tat-un-do-tat tat no no
tat-un-do-tat tat da-un-do-tat
tat-un-do-tat tat
Poor Randy, what have we done to your song?
Just wanted to share
I was happy to receive an email from the South today. Pam Freck sent me a picture of her completed fall flower brooch.
It looks great! In class I found that I did not accurately judge the amount of time the class would need. I wanted to have everyone to make a leaf and then get a chance to start the first round of the flowers. We ran out of time...
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Doily decor and Coffee for pincushions
I found out something interesting at Maya made's blog today: you can use coffee g
rounds as a filler for pincushions and it helps to keep the pins rust free. Check it out at: http://mayamade.blogspot.com/2009/09/rust-free-pins.html. While you are there, check out today's post about what she did with some of her doilies.

Her post brings up an interesting question: what happened to doilies in decor? Is it just too granny? Personally, I love doilies and covet ones I see at other people's houses. I don't mean the dollar store doily but the real handmade ones. Before I had my house I would make a doily and give it away. Now one of my one going projects making doilies to suit my decor. I truly think that a doily can be a table top art piece. So I love Maya's idea of putting the doilies in the hoops.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Finally figured out..
I finally figured out what to do with all the little witches hats that I made last year- bookmarks are it! I added a tail using the 1st 1/2 stitch to make a spiral chain. I want to make pins with the hats but can't find the right kind of background. Its very frustrating.
On another note, I finally got one of my cats to the vet on Wednesday. I had an appointment on Monday for Suzie but she disappeared. I tried to get the other cat in the travel box but she fought and I have the scratches to prove it.

On Wednesday I got very serious and locked up Suzie so she wouldn't disappear. Once at the Vet's there were some injections and a pill to kill the fleas for 24 hours. She also got revolution. I'm very serious about getting rid of the fleas so I've isolated the one that's been treated (Suzie). The other cat (Cow-Cow) is very suspicious of what's going down and I can tell she's wondering where's Suzie? Unfortunately, Cow-Cow wouldn't eat the ground up concoction of pills and sardines that I made. There was a serious flea medication mixed in the sardines to help kill the fleas quickly so she'll have to do with the Revolution drops until Monday when I can take her to the vets. Suzie will have to stay inside until then.
Ironically enough, as Cow-Cow is revolting against the care I'm trying to give her there's a starving stray cat in that's practically begging to visit the vet. Its in a bad way due to fleas. I can see its ribs and the fur on its hind legs is practically gone. The stray's head is huge and should be a large cat but the fleas have just eaten it up. The stray had no problems walking into the travel box to get some sardines, wasn't angry when I closed the door and didn't run when I opened the door. I figured someone should benefit from the flea pill so I offered it Cow-Cow's meds but it wouldn't eat the pill concoction either.
I cannot have another cat so I've called the animal control and we've arranged a pick up on Saturday. I did a bad thing and named it Wicked...never name a pet you aren't going to keep. I can hear my sister's voice calling me the Cat Lady in the back of my head...
Thursday, September 17, 2009
To Market, To Market...
To market, to market, to buy a fat pig,
Home again, home again, jigity- jig;
(Mother Goose)
When I was a little girl and we went to away for a day or longer my mom would always say that poem just as we could see our home. So now I'm home safe and sound but busy trying to catch up to whatever happened when I left. Fortunately, I had a great time at Palmetto's and came back with enthusiasm for everything...even changing the kitty litter (maybe that's taking it too far).
My mom and I figured that we drove approximately 3900 km for the entire trip from Ontario to Myrtle Beach to Winnsboro and back. It was definitely worth the trip to attend the Tat days! I had a great time and everyone I met was great! Thank-you so much to the volunteers who worked tirelessly to make this event happen. I'm sure you are all exhausted but please don't stop. Give bribes, take hostages, or use blackmail but please don't stop.
There's just too many things to think of right now but there was lots going on. You never had a reason to be bored. There is no experience like sitting around talking to other tatters about tatting. Just for tips and tricks alone you can't beat it! I have so many more tools to use and thank-you to everyone who shared their ideas. If you have never been to a tatting seminar its definitely worth the drive to attend one in your area. The first one is the scariest, especially if you have to drive more than a few hours. After that you're hooked...just like crack!
I may or may not have gone beyond my original purchase list but I have a pile of stuff that I brought back. There's a huge pile on my table. I couldn't resist buying more hand dyed thread and goodie bags rock!
My mind is spinning with knots.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Here's the plan...
This Saturday I'm starting my trek towards Winnsboro and TAT DAYS. I'm generally not a fun person to have a conversation with just before I go on vacation. I hate due dates and a vacation is a definite due date. In order for me to go away with no interruptions all patient files have to be up to date (naturally a daily thing) but also the treatment plans need to be crystal clear so Sal (the other Chiropractor) can take over seamlessly.
I also have the delusion that my house will be clean (not) or at least not embarrassing. It was clean until we started to do some more repairs last weekend. Then we basically tore everything apart. My current plan is to shove everything under a bed or in my newly built closet. The good news is that everything tatting related is packed and my clothes are kinda picked out.
The last obstacle are my flea-bitten cats (despite using the flea drops) that have converted into outdoor cats over the last few months. They refuse to come inside and it may require starving them for a few days to get them inside. I will also have to do some serious flea intervention. Usually when I go away they are happy to remain inside with lots of food, water and kitty litter. This may not happen so the last ditch plan is to beg my neighbor to feed them daily.
I'm leaving on Saturday heading for my mom's house. We will head out on Sunday to visit my niece and nephew in Niagara Falls and then leave on Monday in the general direction of South Carolina. The basic plan is spend a few days in Myrtle Beach then head to Winnsboro on Thursday for the Palmetto Tat Days. There may be some shopping on the way...we like to shop.
There is a vending room at Tat Days and since I like stuff I try to make a plan for what purchases I can reasonably make. For instance, I do not need any more shuttles and unless there is a desperate yearning for a very special one I am not purchasing any (other then the ones I've already ordered). Thread is something I don't need a whole lot of at this point in time but I've picked a few colors that I would like to add to my collection. There are a few pattern books that I want to pick up so they've gone on the list as well.
I've been watching a lot of A&E lately and they have this show called Hoarders on Monday nights. Basically its about people who obsessively collect things. Its a very scary show because some of these people are living in very unsanitary conditions and even when their houses are full they are bringing home stuff or buying things because its cheap or just in case they need it. These aren't people you would meet on the street and think are crazy they're normal people. Its scared the crap out of me so I'm not buying or bringing home anything that I'm not immediately planning on using. I've already achieved SABLE (stash accumulated beyond life expectancy) in tatting supplies so I'm being particular.
I also have the delusion that my house will be clean (not) or at least not embarrassing. It was clean until we started to do some more repairs last weekend. Then we basically tore everything apart. My current plan is to shove everything under a bed or in my newly built closet. The good news is that everything tatting related is packed and my clothes are kinda picked out.
The last obstacle are my flea-bitten cats (despite using the flea drops) that have converted into outdoor cats over the last few months. They refuse to come inside and it may require starving them for a few days to get them inside. I will also have to do some serious flea intervention. Usually when I go away they are happy to remain inside with lots of food, water and kitty litter. This may not happen so the last ditch plan is to beg my neighbor to feed them daily.
I'm leaving on Saturday heading for my mom's house. We will head out on Sunday to visit my niece and nephew in Niagara Falls and then leave on Monday in the general direction of South Carolina. The basic plan is spend a few days in Myrtle Beach then head to Winnsboro on Thursday for the Palmetto Tat Days. There may be some shopping on the way...we like to shop.
There is a vending room at Tat Days and since I like stuff I try to make a plan for what purchases I can reasonably make. For instance, I do not need any more shuttles and unless there is a desperate yearning for a very special one I am not purchasing any (other then the ones I've already ordered). Thread is something I don't need a whole lot of at this point in time but I've picked a few colors that I would like to add to my collection. There are a few pattern books that I want to pick up so they've gone on the list as well.
I've been watching a lot of A&E lately and they have this show called Hoarders on Monday nights. Basically its about people who obsessively collect things. Its a very scary show because some of these people are living in very unsanitary conditions and even when their houses are full they are bringing home stuff or buying things because its cheap or just in case they need it. These aren't people you would meet on the street and think are crazy they're normal people. Its scared the crap out of me so I'm not buying or bringing home anything that I'm not immediately planning on using. I've already achieved SABLE (stash accumulated beyond life expectancy) in tatting supplies so I'm being particular.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
My aunt Bonnie told me that my cousin Luke goes through bookmarks like crazy. She's going to the bookstore and paying $5-8 for each bookmark- that's insane! So I told her I would make up a bunch. He's a teenager so I don't want them to look girly and they need to be simple because he's gonna lose them. So I've been experimenting. I'm using the DMC thread that my sister bought at a yard sale last year. It was a bag full of and because its a larger size the bookmarks are a decent size with very little work. There's a few other designs but I haven't scanned them yet.
I've also make a few hearts for my aunt as well. This is the same heart that I used in the snowflake doily I made a few months ago. I call them droopy cheek hearts because the lower chains looks like its drooping a bit.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Rings and more rings
Ever since I covered one in the spring I've been crazy about covering cabone rings. Then I saw these cute gold rings at Michael's and had to have them. I just knew that I could make something fun.

Obviously I couldn't cover all that goldy goodness with tatting. So I pulled out those ugly plastic cabone rings that I could hide under some fun thread. Then I started with a simple pattern and this is what I got:

Monday, August 10, 2009
Update on my sewing machine...
Good news! I didn't have to take my sewing machine to the repair shop. My mom fixed it in about 2 seconds. She took the spool off and found that the thread was wound around the base. Mmmmm I tried re-threading the machine but didn't think of taking the spool off. She tested it by sewing a few items and everything was fine.
What I know about sewing couldn't fill a thimble...but I can now finish my pillows.
What I know about sewing couldn't fill a thimble...but I can now finish my pillows.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Summer fun

size 20 thread, 120 size 10 beads
bangle bracelet
W- wrap (see http://victats.blogspot.com/2009/03/more-fun-than-it-looks.html for instructions on how I recomend you encapsulate the bangle)
B- bead, number of beads indicated by the number of Bs
*R 4BB4
W 5
R 4+ (btwn Bs on prev ring) 4BBB4BB4
W 5
R 4+(btwn Bs on last beaded picot on prev ring)4
W 5BBB5*
* repeat from * to * around bangle ending where you began.
You can make several and wear them stacked together for effect!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Looking for something to do?
If you are looking for something to do in September (maybe a "destination vacation") I strongly suggest visiting the lovely South Carolina. What better way to spend a weekend...
..and since you're in the area, why not head out to the White Oaks Convention Center and sign up for the Palmetto TAT DAYS! If you go to their site at http://www.palmettotatters.org/index.shtml you can get all the details as well as see pictures from previous years. The projects are great and there's a wonderful cast of teachers:
Vicki Clarke (me)
Hope Green
Sharren Morgan
Jane Eborall
Erin Holloway
Karey Solomon
Martha Ess
Nina Libin
Riet Surtel
I'm excited to because I not only be attending but teaching a few projects! I thought I would share a few sneak peaks of the projects I'm teaching:
The Culprit
Fall Flower Broach
A closer look at one of the flowers.
..and since you're in the area, why not head out to the White Oaks Convention Center and sign up for the Palmetto TAT DAYS! If you go to their site at http://www.palmettotatters.org/index.shtml you can get all the details as well as see pictures from previous years. The projects are great and there's a wonderful cast of teachers:
Vicki Clarke (me)
Hope Green
Sharren Morgan
Jane Eborall
Erin Holloway
Karey Solomon
Martha Ess
Nina Libin
Riet Surtel
I'm excited to because I not only be attending but teaching a few projects! I thought I would share a few sneak peaks of the projects I'm teaching:
The Culprit

Tuesday, July 28, 2009
What I've been up to...

Friday, July 17, 2009
Ruffled Heart pattern posted
This is the pattern for the heart I showed a few posts ago. I you have any questions please let me know.
Ruffled Heart
Vicki Clarke
Ra- Ruffled sets- {3 1st ½ stitch, 1ds}
Rb- Ruffled sets- {1ds, 3 2nd ½ stitch}
Lj - lock join
SLT- shoe lace trick
Vicki Clarke

Ra- Ruffled sets- {3 1st ½ stitch, 1ds}
Rb- Ruffled sets- {1ds, 3 2nd ½ stitch}
Lj - lock join
SLT- shoe lace trick
Wind 2 yards on shuttle CTM
R1: 1-1-1-1-1-1 mp
Round 1: Ch 6 lj (to 1st picot on ring) 6 X each time lj to next picot
Round 2: Ch 8 lj (to space above lj) 3 X, Ch 4 vsp 4 lj, Ch 8 lj 2X DNRW SLT *
Round 3
Round 1: Ch 6 lj (to 1st picot on ring) 6 X each time lj to next picot
Round 2: Ch 8 lj (to space above lj) 3 X, Ch 4 vsp 4 lj, Ch 8 lj 2X DNRW SLT *
Round 3
R2 4-4-4-4 RW
Ch 6 RW
R3 4+4-4-4
R4 4+4-4-4
R5 4+4-4-4 RW
Ch 6 RW
R6 4+4-4-4 DNRW lj (to next space above lj on round 2) SLT #
Ra 17 X lj to vsp on Round 2
Rb 17 X join to base of ring 2
*Special note when you do this step make sure to maintain your direction of work. It’s really easy for the rose to flip sides until you make the lj at ring 6.
# instead of doing the lj and SLT separately you can accomplish the same task by pulling up the ball thread and pass the shuttle through the loop as in a normal join.
Pull up the ball thread until it pops out the other side. This locks in the stitch and switches the threads at the same time. Don’t do a 2nd ½ just go into the next stitch.
Ch 6 RW
R3 4+4-4-4
R4 4+4-4-4
R5 4+4-4-4 RW
Ch 6 RW
R6 4+4-4-4 DNRW lj (to next space above lj on round 2) SLT #
Ra 17 X lj to vsp on Round 2
Rb 17 X join to base of ring 2
*Special note when you do this step make sure to maintain your direction of work. It’s really easy for the rose to flip sides until you make the lj at ring 6.
# instead of doing the lj and SLT separately you can accomplish the same task by pulling up the ball thread and pass the shuttle through the loop as in a normal join.
Pull up the ball thread until it pops out the other side. This locks in the stitch and switches the threads at the same time. Don’t do a 2nd ½ just go into the next stitch.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Where's summer
For those of you who know Canadian Summers tend to be hot and short. This years a little different...its more like wet and blah! It has rained the last 13 of 18 days. Being a winter person I'm not all that upset but how am I to appreciate the cold weather if it doesn't get hot?
Speaking of cold weather...is anyone doing their Christmas shopping right now? I'm an early shopper so I'm working on my Christmas list right now. Is anyone else?
Speaking of cold weather...is anyone doing their Christmas shopping right now? I'm an early shopper so I'm working on my Christmas list right now. Is anyone else?
Patterns posted
A big thank-you to Marilee (yarnplayer) for taking time to tell me she puts the links to her patterns on her blog. So now I'm adding links for any pattern I've posted on the right side of my blog. I would have never figured this out on my own.
In other news I'm having a great time tatting patterns from Karey Solomon's Tatting for the Tree. No scanned pictures because I left the finished products at home . I also had fun making Sherry Pence's Autumn Leaf Pattern.
In other news I'm having a great time tatting patterns from Karey Solomon's Tatting for the Tree. No scanned pictures because I left the finished products at home . I also had fun making Sherry Pence's Autumn Leaf Pattern.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Isn't this cool...
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