
Monday, February 14, 2022

My Valentine to you 💗

Happy Valentine's Day!
This is one of my favorite holidays.  Full of chocolate and valentines.  I hope you have a great day.
Here is my Valentine to you!

Sunrise Heart by Vicki Clarke 2022

C chain
R ring
MR mock ring
lj lock ring
vsp very small picot
+ join
Slt shoe lace trick
Tw turn work

R. 4 vsp 4 vsp 4 vsp 4 vsp 4 vsp 4
C. 6 lj (1st vsp) 6
MR. 1 p 1
C. 6 lj (2nd vsp) 6
R. 3 + (3rd vsp) 3
C. 5 p 5 lj (base of ring)
C. 6 lj (4th vsp) 6
MR. 1 p 1
C. 6 lj (5th vsp) 6 + to beginning

Heart top
You will now tat across the top of the heart

*C. 5 vsp 5 vsp 5 vsp 5 lj ( p on MR)  tw slt
C 5
MR. 2 p 2
C. 5 lj (vsp on chain) 5
MR. 2 p 2
C. 5 lj (vsp on chain) 5
MR. 2 p 2
C. 5 lj (vsp on chain) 6*
Repeat from * to * on the opposite side

I hope you enjoy all the fun of the day!


Anyone out there? Say hi if you are......