
Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Clowder Star Pattern

 So wow!  Its been since December 14th that I've posted?  So my first pattern of the year is here a little later than planned.  No one here is surprised....

I thought that the points on this star looked like cat ears and to me it looks like a circle of cats.  A grouping of cats is called a clowder so I named this doily the Clowder Star.  At some point in time I will do a larger version based off this star but right now I am obsessed by the Renulek Spring Doily 2023!

I thought that the points on this star looked like cat ears and to me it looks like a circle of cats.  A grouping of cats is called a clowder so I named this doily the Clowder Star.  At some point in time I will do a larger version based off this star but right now I am obsessed by the Renulek Spring Doily 2023!

Tat in peace. Cheers,



Clowder Star

Vicki Clarke 2023


Size 20 thread

Shuttle or needle



R- ring

C- chain

SCMR- self closing mock ring

vsp- very small picot

prev- previous


+ join

lj- lock join

 Round 1

 R1      4 vsp 4 vsp 4 vsp 4

*C       5

SCMR 3 vsp 3

C          8

R2       4 + (3rd vsp on prev ring) 4

R3       4 vsp 4

C          8

SCMR 3 vsp 3

C          5

R4       4 + (3rd R) 4 vsp 4 vsp 4*

Repeat from * to * 4 times (1st time doesn’t count).  Don’t do the final ring on the last repeat

Cut and hide ends


Round 2

Please note that the join to rings indicated will change as you do your repeats.   Please adapt accordingly.

*R1     4 +(p on 1st SMCR) 4

R2  4 +(p on 2nd SMCR) 4

C     9

R3  8 vsp 4 vsp 4

C     8

R4  4 + (vsp on prev R) 4

C    10

SCMR 4 p 4

C    10

R5  4 vsp 4

C     8

R6  4 + (vsp on prev R) 4 + (vsp R3) 8

C     10

R7  8 vsp 4 vsp 4

C     8

R8  4 + (vsp on prev R) 4

C    10

Clowder Star- Close up
Vicki Clarke 2023

SCMR 4 p 4

C    10

R9  4 vsp 4

C     8

R10     4 + (vsp on prev R) 4 + (vsp on R7) 8

C     9*

Repeat from * to * around the motif





  1. That’s funny, we came across the word clowder the other day and had to look it up. Now here it is again. Thanks for the pattern.

    1. I had to look it, I had no idea what a group of cats is called lol

  2. Love the centre star - very pretty! And I learned a new word 🌺🌺🌺


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