
Thursday, July 4, 2024

4th of July tat-a-long Day 3

 Happy 4th of July!!!!!!

I hope you have a wonderful day full of fun and family!!!

Its a strawberry!!!!

A 4th of July Tat-a-long 2024 Day 3

Vicki Clarke


R- ring

C- chain

SCMR- self closing mock ring

lj- lock join

lp- long picot

mp- mock picot

rw- reverse work.  I will only note this in situations where you don’t normally reverse work

SLT- shoe lace trick

CTM- continuous thread method, do not cut thread between ball and shuttle

+ join (where to join is indicated in brackets)

tw- turn work, to tat back in the direction you just came from you will turn the tatting like a page in a book



Shuttle or needle

red thread

Wind 4 yards of thread on the shuttle CTM, needle tatters normal tail


R             2 +(to same p on star where you started yesterday on star) 2

C             15

R             6 p 6 +(next p on star) 6 p 6

C             12

R             5 +(last p of previous ring) 5 p 5 p 5

C             10

R             4 +(last p of previous ring) 4 p 4 p 4

C             8

R             3 +(last p of previous ring) 3 p 3 p 3

C             15

R             3 +(last p of previous ring) 3 p 3 p 3

C             8

R             4 +(last p of previous ring) 4 p 4 p 4

C             10

R             5 +(last p of previous ring) 5 p 5 p 5

C             12

R             6 +(last p of previous ring) 6 +(next p on star) 6 p 6

C             15

R             2 +(next p on star) 2 

Cut and hide ends

Thank you everyone for tatting with me for the last 6 days.  I hope you have an awesome 4th of July long weekend!!!!!



Wednesday, July 3, 2024

4th of July Tat-a-long Day 2

 A 4th of July Tat-a-long 2024 Day 2

Vicki Clarke


R- ring

C- chain

SCMR- self closing mock ring

lj- lock join

lp- long picot

mp- mock picot

rw- reverse work.  I will only note this in situations where you don’t normally reverse work

SLT- shoe lace trick

CTM- continuous thread method, do not cut thread between ball and shuttle

+ join (where to join is indicated in brackets)

tw- turn work, to tat back in the direction you just came from you will turn the tatting like a page in a book



Shuttle or needle

blue thread


Wind 1.5 yards of blue thread on shuttle.  Needle tatters normal tail

Start by doing a lock join to an outside picot on star from Day 1


C             12 lj (next p on star) 3 lp 3 lj (same p on star) 12 lj (next p on star)

C             tw slt 15

R             6 +(lp) 6

C             12

R             3 + (lp) 3

C             9

R             3 + (lp) 3

C             12

R             6 +(lp) 6

C             15 join to beginning cut and hide ends

See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

4th of July tat-a-long!

 Welcome to the 4th of July tat-a-long 2024
For the next few days leading up to and ending on the 4th of July I will post a small section of tatting.  

 A 4th of July Tat-a-long 2024 Day 1

Vicki Clarke


R- ring

C- chain

SCMR- self closing mock ring

lj- lock join

lp- long picot

mp- mock picot

rw- reverse work.  I will only note this in situations where you don’t normally reverse work

SLT- shoe lace trick

CTM- continuous thread method, do not cut thread between ball and shuttle

+ join (where to join is indicated in brackets)

tw- turn work, to tat back in the direction you just came from you will turn the tatting like a page in a book



Shuttle or needle

White thread needed


Shuttle tatters wind 1.5 yards of thread on shuttle.  Needle tatters normal tail


R             3 lp 3

C             6

MR         1 p 1

C             6            

*R          3 +(lp) 3

C             6

MR         1 p 1

C             6*          

Repeat from * to * until you have large rings and 5 small rings.  Cut and hide ends. 

Make one motif

Monday, July 1, 2024

A Very Canadian Tat-a-long 2024 Day 3

 Happy Canada Day!!!!

I just want to let you know that I've been giggling to myself over this pattern.  I can't find a picture but there are often Canada Day Hats where the top is a maple leaf, its kinda felt like and its kinda like the "cat in the hat" hat.  That's kinda what this gnome is wearing.  I couldn't get my hands on a letter C bead this weekend but I'm planning on making a few gnomes with a C going between the 2 large SCMRs in the hat.  In the bottom picture the SCMRs in the beard are 2 p 2 and  I added braids to the picots.   Like I said I am having a lot of fun with this pattern.

A Very Canadian Tat-a-long 

Vicki Clarke 2024


R- ring

C- chain

SCMR- self closing mock ring

lj- lock join

lp- long picot

mp- mock picot

rw- reverse work.  I will only note this in situations where you don’t normally reverse work

SLT- shoe lace trick

CTM- continuous thread method, do not cut thread between ball and shuttle

+ join (where to join is indicated in brackets)

tw- turn work, to tat back in the direction you just came from you will turn the tatting like a page in a book



Shuttle or needle

Red, grey and a skin toned thread are needed


Wind 1.5 yards of red thread on shuttle CTM.  Needle tatters normal tail

Please note you will be joining to the opposite side of the day 1 motif

R1          2 p 2

C             8

R2          2 +(corner p on Day 1 motif) 2

C             8

R3          2 + (base of next ring on Day 1 motif) 2

C             8

R4          2 +(next p on Day 1 motif) 2       

C             8

R5          2 p 2

C             tw slt 10

R6          2 + (base of R4) 2

C             8

R7          4 +( base of R3) 4

C             8

R8          2 + (base of R2) 2

C             10 join to base of R1.  Cut and hide ends

You are done with the red thread

Wind 1/2 yard of grey thread on a shuttle CTM with ball.  Needle tatters will change thread on their needle

You will also need to have the skin-coloured thread on a shuttle or needle handy


Lock Join to the base of R6

C             6 vsp 6

Set down the grey thread and pick up the shuttle with the skin-coloured thread

R            6 +(base of R7) 6 vsp 6  before you close the ring pass the shuttle with grey thread through the ring.  This will join the ring to the chain. 

You are now done with the skin-colored thread.  I hide my ends in the next chain

C             4 vsp 4 vsp 4 lj (p on skin colored ring) 6 vsp 6 lj (to base of R8)

C             tw slt  8 lj (last vsp made) 6

SCMR    4

C             6 lj (next vsp) 8

SCMR    4

C             8 lj (next vsp) 6

SCMR    4

C             6 lj (next vsp) 8 join back to beginning.  Cut and hide ends

Gnome with beard braids.