
Monday, November 14, 2011

Shoe stuff

Balloon Patch- makes room for toes that hit the top of the shoe.  I cut off the original material and sewed on a stretchier material using a special sewing machine.

I took off the outsole and cut a line through the shoe to stick in some extra material.  This widens the sole if you have feet that are different sizes or have a really wide foot in one area

The blue plug looking thing is called and excavation.  The blue material is really soft so you can cushion a sore area under the foot. 

We took off the outsole and added more height to the shoe which helps people who have one leg longer than the other.  Its pretty neat, we just glue EVA (rubber) to the shoe and then use a grinder to take off excess.  You always add more than you need and then grind off the extra.

Added Velcro straps.  I got to use another type of sewing machine.
I didn't share pictures from my shoe adventures yet.  Shoe modifications involve a few basic skills- cut and paste, sewing and finally grinding (sanding).   Its really important to make friends with the grinder.  This also helped me to understand why glue doesn't always stick.   Its really important to rough up a surface before gluing and to let the glue set a bit before adhering things together.
Good news, I passed the course. 


  1. That was one strange post for a tatting blog! : ))
    Glad you passed.. Grab a grommet and go, girl!

    Fox : )

  2. This is a most unusual post! I'm assuming this course has something to do with your being a chiropractor? Shoes are definitely important for correct spinal alignment!

    I've always found it amazing that I walked around in high heel shoes and boots for years (that's what we wore in the offices of the 1960s and 1970s) with few mishaps (and fortuntely no back problems), but when I walk in low or 'flat' shoes, I have a tendency to turn my ankle!

  3. I know its a little random but I thought it was kinda neat. I order this stuff but I've never done it myself. We don't even realise half the stuff that can be done to make a shoe fit better and most things aren't even expensive!

  4. I know its a little random but I thought it was kinda neat. I order this stuff but I've never done it myself. We don't even realise half the stuff that can be done to make a shoe fit better and most things aren't even expensive!


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