
Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Every Child Matters Day 2

I'm sorry the formatting of is weird but I can't seem to fix it. Materials Size 20 Orange Lizbeth Thread Needle or shuttle Continued from Day 1 C rw slt 8 tw slt 8 R 3 + (1st vsp on Round 1) 3 C 12 R 4 vsp 4 C 8 MR 2 C 6 MR 2 C 5 lj (vsp on R) 6 lj (2nd vsp on Round 1) 16 MR 2 C 4 R 4 + (3rd vsp on Round 1) 4 C 8 R 6 + (above next lj on Round 1) 6 C 8 R 4 + (4th vsp on Round 1) 4 C 4 MR 2 C 16 lj (5th vsp on Round 1) 6 R 4 vsp 4 C 5 MR 2 C 6 MR 2 C 8 lj (vsp on last R) 12 R 3 + (6th vsp on Round 1) 3 C 8 slt tw 8, join to beginning

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Every Child Matters Day 1

Every Child Matters Day 1 
Vickii Clarke 2021 
Size 20 Orange Lizbeth Thread

Terms are on yesterday's post
Shuttle tatters: 3 yards on shuttle, CTM with ball
Needle Tatters: regular tail 
R 8 vsp 8 vsp 8 vsp 8 
C 8 vsp 4 vsp 4 lj (1st vsp) 8 vsp 8 lj (next vsp) 8 vsp 8 lj (next vsp) 4 vsp 4 vsp 8 lj (to beginning)
 Do not cut ends See you tomorrow!

Thee pattern this year is aimed at highlighting Orange Shirt Day (September 30th). This is a day when we honour the Indigenous children who were sent away to residential schools in Canada and learn more about the history of those schools.

Monday, June 28, 2021

Every Child Matters

This year the Very Canadian Tat-a-long be done a day early. The last 2 months Canada has been grappling with the discovery of mass graves of First Nation Children at Indian Residential Schools. The number has increased over the month of June and is now in the 1000s. In light of these discoveries I will be posting June 29 and June 30 but will not post a pattern on July 1/2021, Canada Day. The pattern this year is aimed at highlighting Orange Shirt Day (September 30th). This is a day when we honour the Indigenous children who were sent away to residential schools in Canada and learn more about the history of those schools. The thread used in the pattern is size 20 Lizbeth Thread. Terms
C- Chain R- Ring Cl rw- close ring, reverse work Cl dnrw- close ring, do not reverse work vsp- very small picot lp- large picot (around 1 inch) lj- lock join. Make a lock join by using a crochet hook to pull shuttle thread through the joining space. This creates a loop and you pass the shuttle through the loop then tighten to remove excess thread. In these patterns a lock join is often joined to the space between chains. Where to do the lj is indicated in brackets. For example lj (C2 & 3) means a lj in the space between the 2nd and 3rd chain. rw- reverse work; turn the tatting towards you to change the direction the chain is facing SCMR- self closing mock ring. See for instructions. slt- shoe lace trick SR- split ring

Monday, June 14, 2021

Rainbow Heart for Pride

 Happy Pride

For those that don't know Pride season has started.  Last year I shared this pattern on several Facebook groups but I just realised I didn't share it here.  Enjoy!

Rainbow Heart for Pride