
Sunday, June 30, 2019

A Very Canadian Tat-a-Long Day 2

Day 2 is a little bit longer with a couple twists and turns.  If you would like to keep things short and simple then when done tatting Day 2 add a tassel to the final ring.  However, if you would like to make something a little bit bigger then make 3.

The spot of dirt on the right didn't
show up until now.  Please ignore it lol!

C- chain
R- ring
vsp- very small picot
lj- lock join.  Make a lock join by using a crochet hook to pull shuttle thread through the joining space.  This creates a loop and you pass the shuttle through the loop then tighten to remove excess thread.  In these patterns a lock join is often joined to the space between chains.  Where to do the lj is indicated in brackets.  For example lj (C2 & 3) means a lj in the space between the 2nd and 3rd chain.
rw- reverse work; turn the tatting towards you to change the direction the chain is facing
SCMR- self closing mock ring.  See for instructions.
slt- shoe lace trick

Day 2

R         5 vsp 5 vsp 5
LSC    4
SR       6/6 ***before closing this ring slip the center motif through the ring so the chains are caught in the ring.***
C         vsp 10 lj (closest vsp of motif 1) 3
SCMR                        1 p 1
C         3 lj (next vsp) tw slt 10 +(vsp next ring)  4
R         1 p 1
C         4 +(next vsp same ring)  10 +( vsp top ring) 4
R         1 p 1
C         3
R         3 p 3
C         3
R         1 p 1
C         4 +(next vsp top ring) 10 +(vsp next ring) 4
R         1 p 1
C         4 +(next vsp) 10 +(vsp next ring) tw slt 3
SCMR                        1 p 1
C         3 lj(next vsp)  10 lj(vsp 1st C)
LSC    10
R         6 p 6  ***I did this as a single shuttle split ring and hid the ends as I made it. ***

***If you are making the larger project then on the 2nd and 3rd motif the final ring with be:
R         6 +(1st motif) 6

Saturday, June 29, 2019

A Very Canadian Tat-a-long 2019 DAY 1

Once again to celebrate the days leading up to Canada Day I have developed a theme related pattern,  This year it will last 3 days but if you are not interested in a longer project then a simple motif is made by Day 2.  No surprise that if you are going with theme the thread is red and white.  No surprise that you could choose to do leafy colors if you aren't interested in a Canada Day related project.

Just a warning that the diagrams have been made to compliment the written instructions. 
This year I won't upload to keep and share until after the tat-a-long ends but will put the instructions here on my blog and on facebook.

A Very Canadian Tat-a-long 2019
Boxy Maple Leaf
Vicki Clarke 2019

C- chain
R- ring
vsp- very small picot
+ join

 Red and white thread
Shuttle or needle
Crochet hook

Day 1

Center Motif part 1
Wind 24 inches of Red thread on shuttle CTM with ball
R         5 vsp 5 vsp 5
C         10 vsp 10
R         5 vsp 5 vsp 5
Hide ends.

Center Motif  part 2

Wind 24 inches of Red thread on shuttle CTM with ball
R         5 vsp 5 vsp 5
C         10 +(join to vsp on C of 1st motif) 10
R         5 vsp 5 vsp 5
Hide ends (I made the last ring of each part a single shuttle split ring and hid then chain end on the non loop side.  You can find a tutorial for a single shuttle split ring here:

See you Tomorrow!

If you are super ambitious make 3 sets of the center motif, if time is limited then just make 1.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Evil plans for the end of June

Hi everyone, hope you are enjoying the non-snow days.  Its been such a crazy weather situation that we need to just be happy its not snowing and occasionally the sun visits us lol.

June seems to be one of those months that just slip by and all of a sudden its July 1st!  The good news is that I seem to be ahead of things for once.  I've been able to bring a pattern to fruition in time to tell you that there will be another "Very Canadian Tat-a-long" this year leading up to Canada Day.  The extra good news is that it will be once again followed by a "4th of July" pattern.   This seems too good to be true and it kinda is....I'm not sure how intense the patterns will be.  You see I haven't entirely completed the entire image that lies in my head but at the very least you will  get a chance to enjoy theme related motifs in red, white and later blue.  I also can't find my white thread so that may cause a deviation in the evil plan.

In other good news I'm almost ready to create the kits that I send down to Palmetto's every year for their TatDays.  The idea came to me very early in the year so I have everything needed.  I just need a few days to measure out thread.  The kit will involve a theme related pattern or at least something I can tie back to the theme. 

I've included a picture belowe of a previous kit that I sent down in conjunction with Georgia Seitz a few years ago.  Georgia donated the teapot charms and I designed a teapot or teacup dangle.  The picture below is from my Mom's house where she choose to use them as decorations on her teabag jar.